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What Are the Best Options for Hong Kong Residents to Move to Vancouver?

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in How To Move To Canada, Permanent Residence, Provincial Nominee Programs and Hong Kong Immigration

What Are the Best Options for Hong Kong Residents to Move to Vancouver?

Hong Kong's new security laws went into effect on July 1, 2020, and give China more authority over Hong Kong's governance and residents. Vancouver, Canada has strong connections to Hong Kong with almost 300,000 expat Canadians living in Hong Kong. Vancouver is Hong Kong resident's top choice to move to Canada from Hong Kong:

  • Canada has the second-largest amount of Hong Kong expats after the United States
  • Hong Kong is an English-speaking Commonwealth country
  • Canada has a good education system
  • Canada offers many economic opportunities for immigrants

Why Hong Kong Residents Choose Vancouver

  • As Canada's most western major city, Vancouver is geographically close to Hong Kong with a mild winter.
  • Due to the Handover, many Hong Kong residents have lived in, visited or even hold permanent resident status in Canada as dual residents with Canadian and HKSAR passports.
  • Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers reside in Canada, and over 500,000 Canadian passport holders live in Hong Kong, resulting in a strong relationship between the countries.
  • Hong Kong-Canadian associations, such as the Chinese Canadian Association and the Canadian University Association build a strong network and help Hong Kongers assimilate in Canada and find new opportunities.

3 Ways Hong Kong Residents Can Move to Vancouver, Canada

There are many different opportunities for Hong Kong residents to move to Vancouver; here are 3 of the most popular options. An experienced immigration professional can assess your situation and advise you on the best options for your case.

#1 – Express Entry – Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
Express Entry is Canada's skilled-worker immigration application system, launched in January 2015, to attract high-skilled foreign workers and former international students who want to live in Canada permanently.


#2 Student Visa
In order to study in Canada, international students usually require a Study Permit. This is a document available only after a college, university, or other accredited educational institution has accepted you. Study Permits are only available for those accepted to schools designated to accept international students. Designated learning institutions appear on the official Designated Learning Institutions list, but only at the post-secondary level. Primary and secondary schools throughout the country are automatically deemed as designated institutions.

#3 – The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP)
Each province or territory in Canada has its own specific need for skilled foreign workers, and immigration opportunities and procedures. British Columbia’s economic growth program to meet skilled and qualified labour market needs by recruiting high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs who want to immigrate to Canada and apply for permanent residency in BC.

The BC PNP Entrepreneur Immigration - Regional Pilot is a 2-year program that will launch in early 2019 to "attract entrepreneurs with a desire to start businesses, create jobs and settle in regional centres, and contribute to their local economy."

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Get a Jumpstart On The Immigration Backlog
Submit Your Express Entry Application Today

At Ackah Business Immigration Law we anticipate there will be a significant immigration application backlog in the near future after this health crisis is over and borders begin to reopen. If you want to move to Canada in the near future - for work, for family or for personal reasons - contact the immigration legal professionals at Ackah Business Immigration Law (587) 602-0184 Ext. 100 or 1-800-932-1190 or email us directly.

Evelyn L. Ackah, BA, LL.B.

Founder/Managing Lawyer

Ms. Ackah is passionate about immigration law because it focuses on people and relationships, which are at the core of her personal values. Starting her legal career as a corporate/commercial ...

More About Evelyn L. Ackah, BA, LL.B.

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