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Federal Skilled Trades

The Canadian Government launched Express Entry in January 2015 for skilled applicants to apply for Permanent Residence status. Applicants are eligible to apply whether they are in Canada as temporary foreign workers or outside of Canada, so long as they meet the criteria.

The purpose of creating the Express Entry Federal Skilled Trades Permanent Residence category is to allow skilled workers to gain entry into Canada as Permanent Residents much faster than before. It allows Canadian Immigration officers to select immigrants based on their skills and education. The Express Entry portal is created by completing a standard questionnaire that asks questions based on one's age, education, work experience, and so on. The government then decides whether to extend an invitation to the applicant to apply for permanent residence.


The Canadian government created the Federal Skilled Trades program for those seeking to become permanent residents based on their qualifications in a specific skilled trade. There are minimum requirements that must be met:

  • No plans to live in the province of Quebec as it does not use this system
  • Language skills at the necessary levels
  • Two full years of full-time experience in a skilled trade within the 5 years before you apply
  • An offer of full-time employment must be made (for at least one year of employment) or a "certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial authority" must be available
  • The job must meet the criteria for skilled trades as laid out by the NOC, these are:
    • Major Group 72 industrial, electrical and construction trades
    • Major Group 73 maintenance and equipment operation trades
    • Major Group 82 supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production
    • Major Group 92 processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
    • Minor Group 632 chefs and cooks
    • Minor Group 633 butchers and bakers

If you believe you qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program, we suggest you speak with a legal expert to confirm your eligibility.

Contact us today at (403) 452-9515 Ext. 100 or 1-800-932-1190 or email us directly.

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Calculate Your Express Entry Score

Are you qualified to move to Canada? Try our free Express Entry Calculator Express Entry is Canada's skilled-worker immigration application process for high-skilled foreign workers ...

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It is one thing to earn a living; it is another thing to make a difference in the world.

This is our formal thank you note to Evelyn Ackah and the Ackah Law Team for all the effort they put into helping us navigate and finally resolve the hurdle that was Canadian Immigration back in the spring of 2012.

A friend referred us to Evelyn; he assured us that Evelyn would take good care of us. Our friend was confident we were in good hands and said Evelyn would do her very best to help us and she did! At the time we did not know that his referral would go far beyond finding us help. Slowly we realized that it would become our own personal story of how we received grace and were reminded of the power in paying it forward

We wrote a detailed page of our dilemma, explaining how we came to be in the position we were in (overwhelmed with the hurdle that was Canadian Immigration and the uncertainty that we faced as a young family in Calgary). Evelyn agreed to take on our file with her team. They found the time to personally call us and listened intently and understood the details of what we were dealing with. They gave us their time, an honest opinion and provided clear direction which proved to be invaluable advice. Months went by but in time, we received word from Ackah Law that the Immigration office had finally reviewed our file and a decision had been made allowing our family to finally put the immigration matter to rest. We were finally able to focus again to live our lives without fear or pending doom.

Looking back now, even the sun appeared to shine a little brighter that day. At first we didn’t know whether to bake them a cake, drive out to meet their team, find their offices and personally thank them with a mighty hug or simply cry out to the heavens in thankful relief. Instead we emailed them to express our heartfelt thank-you and we hoped that they would know deep in their hearts just how grateful we were for all of their help.

Even though we relied on emails and phone conversations to communicate with them that year, we will always remember their constant professionalism, their kindness and understanding at a time that brought us so much pain not to mention fear. As if all their hard work wasn’t enough, Evelyn then then casually mentions that all their work was done pro-bono! We were thoroughly humbled!

To this day we are still eager to share how wonderful they all are as human beings but even more than that, we continue to pay it forward in honour of them, their service to us and their continued dedication in helping others.

Eternally thankful

– The Brummunds

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